Logan Review

It’s telling that the latest wolverine movie is called Logan. It has almost all the characteristics of a classic superhero movie, but it’s so much more. When I sat down to watch the movie, I was ready for action, drama and superhero awesomeness. I was not prepared for depth, maturity and eloquence.
It’s a shock to see Logan looking old and weary, it’s painful to see Professor X so incapacitated. It’s difficult to shake off the image of their prior strength, grandeur and invincibility. They hurt in this movie, they feel too tired and old to fight, and yet they do. In this movie, their power comes, not from their mutation, but from their strength of character.

In this movie, you see how the superhero suffers and struggles with himself. No matter how powerful they are, how much they have done for humanity and how many bad guys they have put down, life is no bed of roses for them. They hurt, they bleed, they grow weak, but they don’t stop fighting. They do the best they can and live with the blood on their hands because somebody has to and they are the only ones who can.

A superhero does not retire, it’s not in his nature. You see this noble spirit in Logan. You don’t see him punching through walls and defeating supervillains without breaking a sweat. You see him suffer, bleed and stumble and keep on fighting even though his body screams for rest and relief. You see Professor X, too old to fight but not giving up, and fighting till the end. It’s not invincibility that makes them superheroes, but sheer valour and fortitude.

Logan is an action movie, but its stark and poignant. Hugh Jackman has done a fantastic job and Patrick Stewart is heart-breaking. I have always been a fan of Wolverine and Professor X, but for the first time, I felt respect, gratitude and compassion for the people they were. I am going to miss Wolverine, and for those who haven’t watched it yet, you are missing out on a great superhero movie that is touching and real for a change.

Rating- 4.5/5


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