Star Trek: Discovery Season 1 Review
Unlike the earlier series that followed Christopher Pike and Spock aboard the USS Enterprise, this television show follows Michael Burnham aboard the USS Discovery. Burnham, played by Sonequa Martin-Green, is a force to be reckoned with. Sonequa Martin-Green delivers an excellent performance as a highly intelligent and brave Starfleet Officer who puts everything on the line to beat the enemy and has to face the consequences of her actions. Michelle Yeoh, who plays Philippa Georgiou, is lovable as always and Jason Isaacs, who plays Captain Lorca, is every inch the authoritative Captain.
The story is full of thrilling adventure, on-your-toes action and sci-fi mumbo jumbo. The special effects could be better, but the actors and the plot make up for it. A certain aspect of the plot (the spore drive) seemed to be a vague and confusing concept, which took some fun out of it. However, Star Trek: Discovery is thoroughly entertaining. Delve into the mysteries and idiosyncrasies of interstellar space travel and get up, close and personal with Klingons. The new Star Trek series is interesting, enjoyable and, frankly, nerd-tastic!
Live long and prosper
Rating- 4/5
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