Thor: Ragnarok Review

Thor (2011) is entertaining, but forgettable. It is a coming-of-age movie about the Norse god of thunder. Thor: The Dark World (2013) is boring. It seemed to be nothing more than a filler and not even a very good one. Thor: Ragnarok (2017), on the other hand, is awesome. It surpasses its prequels in every aspect and it is, undoubtedly, the best Thor movie to date. 

After watching the trailers, I was quite excited about Thor: Ragnarok. The thrilling action, the comic element, the atmosphere charged with superhero awesomeness; Ragnarok showed every indication of being a great movie. When the lights dimmed in the theatre, I wriggled in my seat with happy anticipation and, for once, a movie met all my expectations. I spent the next 2 hours and 10 minutes watching one of the best superhero movies ever.

Superhero movies make some of the best action movies, possibly because the known laws of physics do not bind their sort of action. On an intrinsic level, superheroes have distilled power that draws us in and makes them an ideal that we strive to emulate. Thor: Ragnarok is a movie that unabashedly explores this distilled power of superheroes that makes them awe-inspiring.

Thor: Ragnarok has a bit of everything- humour, suspense, sorrow, whimsy and drama. Odin’s power is on the wane. Thor is growing into a wiser and more powerful leader. There is a villainess on the scene, whose power knows no bounds and an ancient warrior who cannot escape the past. Loki shows hidden depths and Asgard is threatened once again by a power more dangerous than ever before. 

Director, Taika Waititi has done an outstanding job. The action scenes are brilliantly choreographed and performed. The story is engaging, but, more importantly, Thor: Ragnarok does full justice to superhero power. Waititi did not hold back or limit the potential of the superhero, as the previous directors have done. As a result, we, finally, have a superhero movie worthy of the true power and awesomeness of superheroes. An amazing action adventure movie that leaves you wanting more. 

Rating- 4.5/5


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